The Olive


Crystals for Canines Collection

8mm Crystals in Khaki
Gold or Rhodium Plated Copper Settings

When we came across this stock of gorgeous olivey-beige crystal, we a) had to have it and b) had to name it after Olive (how perfect is that?!).

A little about Olive:

“I’m a hound mix, but Dad calls me an enigma wrapped inside of a bitch. I counteract any sweetness I show with a vicious, demanding “bitch bark” when I want something right now! I’m “complicated”.

I prefer modeling over hunting, though my adoptive brother, Buddy, is showing me what a hound should sound and act like. I’ve tried to muster a howl, but it’s not there. Instead, a sinister bitch bark emerges so I’ve stuck with that. I like him but I try not to show it because all attention needs to be focused on me, that’s the way of the diva.

I’m honored to be chosen for this set of earrings regardless of how obvious the choice was to choose me...

Ok, Dad here. Shut up Olive. Thanks to Pearls for Pups Co. for all of the wonderful work you do in support of dogs in need and thanks for choosing Olive to represent your work. We’re honored.”

Follow Olive and Buddy on Instagram @hounds_with_different_agendas.

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